My Art Week: Highlights and News from the Art World

The artworld is gradually taking off again. Find out about the main upcoming exhibitions and events on our agenda
The June edition of Art Basel’s Online Viewing Rooms
The summer edition features an international lineup of 281 leading galleries. The initiative includes live-streamed talks, curator tours, as well as digital events staged by galleries – from studio tours to performance.
June 19 – 26, 2020 (preview days from June 17 – 19, 2020)

Sculpture Garden, Geneva Biennale

The Biennale presents some thirty large-format sculptures, many of them produced specifically for the exhibition by young artists. It is curated by Balthazar Lovay, former director of Fri Art Kunsthalle, Fribourg.
12 June – 26 September 2020
Parc de la Grange / Parc des Eaux-Vives / Quai Gustave-Ador, Geneva, Switzerland

Opening up in Zurich

As part of the Zurich Art Weekend summer preview (event postponed on Sep 11-13, 2020), museums, foundations, galleries and off-spaces welcome visitors throughout the upcoming weekend with both unique on-site and online-only curated events.
June 12 – 14, 2020
Various venues in Zurich, Switzerland

Mario Merz: Time Is Mute

An exhibition which surveys the provenance of a body of work suspended in a pre-historic time of sorts, at odds with the discourse of modern-era history.
06 Jun 2020 – 30 Aug 2020
Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid, Spain
Palais de Tokyo reopens for visitors on June 15, 2020
After months of lockdown, Palais de Tokyo is ready to welcome back its public to visit its varied exhibition programme, which has been extended until September 2020.
Palais de Tokyo, Paris, France
reopening on June 15, 2020

La meraviglia: Art Residencies Exhibition

La meraviglia is the second edition in the three-year Art Residencies Programme at Manifattura Tabacchi. The show is curated by Sergio Risaliti, art historian, curator and director of the Museo Novecento in Florence, with Paolo Parisi, artist and teacher at the Florence Academy of Fine Arts, taking on the role of tutors for the young artists.
01 Jun 2020 — 28 Jun 2020
Manifattura Tabacchi, Florence, Italy
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Picture of Paola Pizzighini

Paola Pizzighini

Sono Avvocato Giuslavorista con 10 anni di esperienza nei più affermati studi legali Milanesi a cui è seguita una lunga esperienza in Confindustria in cui ho potuto sviluppare le mie capacità relazionali ed empatiche nelle relazioni industriali e istituzionali.

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