MYMICROGALLERY VIRTUAL presents RIITTA NELIMARKKA “Happiness Allowed” 3D Solo Exhibition Curated by Stefania Carrozzini on KUNSTMATRIX platform – 23.03.2021 – 29.04.2021




“Happiness Allowed”

3D Solo Exhibition Curated by Stefania Carrozzini on KUNSTMATRIX platform

23.03.2021 – 29.04.2021

MyMicroGallery Virtual is pleased to announce “Happiness Allowed”, a solo exhibition of Finnish artist Riitta Nelimarkka hosted by Kunstmatrix from March 26 to April 26, 2021. The exhibition, curated by Stefania Carrozzini, brings together nineteen woolen relief artworks, from 2008 to 2020, in which Riitta Nelimarkka introduces us in the colorful and fantastic world made of joy, inhabited by characters full of sense of humor and irony, essential ingredients to make our life happy.

“Pain exists, but you don’t need to work everything through pain” – Riitta Nelimarkka says – and this can be a sort of Manifesto, the main meaning, a sort of synthesis of her artistic thought. Riitta wants to communicate the substance of things that inspires people, and with her works she invites us to allow ourselves happiness saying that art actually can create happiness. But Art can really create happiness? Riitta with her work confirms it. Happiness as universal feeling it’s subversive in itself. It’s our real nature. Beauty can create a state of mind that goes beyond happiness; through art our energy field can be lifted and we can experiment new ways of perception.

Symphony of bright colors, vivid timbres of notes carry us into an emotional atmosphere where we can manifest our ludic spirit. What she has created is a real expressive vocabulary, a personal alphabet which is combined with her permanent thirst for experimentation with techniques and materials to be used and to be modeled. The colors acquire a meaning and participate in the graphic rendering of the material, reinforcing the visual impact. Riitta goes beyond the tradition of handcraft wool work, the wool material becomes paint, color material, like pictorial reliefs; thus all her works have a complete expressive autonomy.

Riitta Nelimarkka shares her world and her positive way of thinking, and she sent a message to us: happiness it’s always be there for us, we have just to be open to received it. We must have courage to be happy! Her art emerges from real life, reflecting joys and sorrows, conflicts and shocks. She uses parallels drawn from literature, film and music, but it’s always her personal experience which at the end wins the whole process.

Riitta Nelimarkka is a distinctive and versatile artist whose repertoire includes graphic art, animated films, paintings, art and poetry books, textile art, and extensive exhibition entities. She has doctor´s degree in the arts (DA at UIAH, Helsinki) and has studied painting in Paris, photography, film and art education at the Konstfacken, Academy of Art in Stockholm and piano playing at the Sibelius Academy in Helsinki. Her art is characterized by brilliant colors and innovative irony. In recent years, her production has centered on comprehensive collections of drawings, photographs, velvet pictures and woolen reliefs. She has also been commissioned a great number of works, including the large-scale “Con Calore” woolen carpets for the official residence of the President of Finland. Her artworks, illustrations and animated films have been presented at various international festivals and Biennals. In 2016 she was awarded by the Order of France with the distinction of Officer des Arts et Lettres. She has been awarded numerous prizes and honorary mentions for her works. The latest bigger works are the 13 meters long glass painting “Without too much thinking” at Hietaniemi pavilion 2016, and the same year the visualization for Debussy´s 5 Preludes for the Radio Symphony Orchestra. An exciting Gesamtskunstwerk with her husband Jaakko Seeck, is Bonga Castle, an old patrician house decorated by Nelimarkka´s over 200 works. Riitta Nelimarkka lives and works in Helsinki .

“Happiness Allowed” will be on view from March 23 to April 29, 2021. For information :

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Paola Pizzighini

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